Filtering by: Exhibitions 2009

Mark Sink and Kristen Hatgi - 2009
to Dec 20

Mark Sink and Kristen Hatgi - 2009

For the last two years Mark and Kristen have collaborated using one of the earliest photographic methods, collodion wet plate to create ambrotypes on glass and tintypes on aluminum. They use a 1860 style view camera to create one-of-a-kind images, which become windows into an intimate, romantic, and beautiful world of faces, still lives, nudes, and landscapes. In this demanding process, the collodion coated tin or glass plates are immersed in a silver nitrate solution, and then they must be exposed in the camera and developed while still wet. Serendipitous flaws and beautiful imperfections are an inevitable part of this imprecise hands-on process.

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Steve Miller - Roots
to Oct 25

Steve Miller - Roots

While all photography arrests motion, it is only the X-ray that allows us to climb inside a particular moment and subject and parse the structure of its beauty from within. Steve Miller’s X-ray photographs, 13 black and white carbon on cotton prints and 1 glass plate mounted on steel, do the trick. Miller’s work lifts the lid off a hidden domain, revealing the stilled and remarkable innards of things we pass by every day.

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Patricia Heal - Quiescence
to Jun 21

Patricia Heal - Quiescence

A mixture of portraits and still lives, Heal’s latest photos channel an older tradition of artistry with their classic composition, lighting, and out-of-time imagery. Frequently echoing Dutch master painters of the 17th century, many of the pictures almost appear to be canvases that have been allowed to accumulate a patina of age over countless years. However, the fact that these are indeed contemporary photographs subverts perception and forces the viewer to question what they are seeing and contemplate the creation process.
Viewed from a distance most of the images appear to be monochromatic, but with a closer look, the subtle colors, especially those in the still lives of flowers and fruit, reveal themselves gradually and ripen in the mind's eye.

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The Philly Salon
to Apr 26

The Philly Salon

“Get back to your Philly roots!” suggested photographer Ted Adams to ex-Philly native Robin Rice. So she did. The Robin Rice Gallery is pleased to present The Philly Salon, a group show featuring nine Philadelphia-based photographers including, Andrea Modica, Eric Mencher, Jenny Lynn, Kass Mencher, Keith Sharp, Laurence Salzmann, Robin Rice, Ron Tarver, and Ted Adams.

Back in Philadelphia, these photographers have created a loose-knit group centered on an artist’s salon held at the home of Ted Adams. Over the years, with its quirky themes, abundant food and drink, and inspired curating, the salon has developed into something of a cult happening. Rice used the group as a starting point, and assembled a show that highlights photography’s potential to create communities from diverse groups of people and ideas.

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John Dolan -  The Berkshire Project
to Mar 1

John Dolan - The Berkshire Project

The Berkshire Project was offered to John Dolan in the form of a yearlong grant from the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation in honor of its 20th anniversary. An award-winning photographer, Dolan was chosen to document the region’s scenic beauty and local character because his images are prized for their ability to convey the vital spirit of the people and places he photographs.

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